Wednesday, December 16, 2015

     Our four PEF Students have officially finished all the self-reliance classes -- My Path, Education for Better Work, My Job Search, and My Foundation. Now we are just waiting for the universities to give them invoices,  and they will be ready to apply and upload all their certificates and supporting information. It is always a little nerve wracking hoping that we can get the applications in under the wire. People here do not worry too much or stress about planning in advance. It is really hard for them to decide what they want to do as a vocation for the rest of their lives.
     As Education Specialist Missionaries, the message that we are trying to convey is that they need to go to school, stay in school, do their very best to succeed and excel, and plan early for their future university goals and job plans, deciding early what work they want to do in life to provide for themselves and their families. Education is a gift, and we all need to take full advantage of it.
     It is transfer time again, and we will be losing four of our missionaries to transfers. They have all become so dear to us that it is hard to see them go. I must admit it is not as hard as the first couple of transfers. We have learned that they need to go on to grow further spiritually, to have more amazing experiences, and to bless the lives of people and be loved in their new areas. Elder Aoina, Elder Stock, and Sister Aumua will all be going to the Suva area. Elder Mong Yen will be a District Leader in Lautoka. That’s perfect because Elder Kumar, his old companion, is getting released this week; and he lives close enough that maybe he will be able to go out as a member present or at least meet with him to visit.
 We spent four hours Wednesday & a couple hours Thursday driving Elder Mong Yen around for him to say goodbye to his families. We love him so much! He is a quiet, gentle giant, beloved by all. Wednesday night we met as a district and had a farewell dinner and activity to say Goodbye to everyone. It was great to get together one last time. It’s always hard to see them go and realize we might never see them again in this life. Our lives have been enriched and improved by working with them. We wish them success and happiness.
     Rex worked nonstop Thursday putting together a highlight DVD  for the departing missionaries. It is a well done, beautiful keepsake to remind them of their time in Labasa. I am proud of him for his diligence and his expertise. It takes many hours and is definitely an act of love. He will give them to them today at the airport when we say our final goodbyes.


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