Friday, December 11, 2015

We had a wonderful, successful Branch Christmas Party, program, dinner, and dance. Rex started the night out with a joke to break the silence while we were waiting. Brother Reo was the emcee. Rex was the only speaker. He read the true Christmas Story and expounded on it. Our branch loves him and listens intently when he speaks. Rex also helped the missionaries with a skit of the Wee People. It was darling. Sister Bull helped the youth come up with some dance routines for entertainment. The dinner was delicious. When I saw there were well over 150 people, I was worried that there wouldn't be enough food, but as always there was plenty of food and to spare.
A portable fire pit they made to cook the cassava.
Sister Vasu filleted, battered, and fried fish donated by President Bull. She made over 200 big pieces.  It was delicious! It was fun to watch her.  She didn't have tongs so Brother Reo whacked a branch off the flower bush outside and removed all the leaves and bark. She used it as a skewer to turn the fish. It tickled us as she stabbed each piece to remove it from the oil. The women here act as if it's no big deal to do a huge assignment. They know how to do everything, and do it well.
On time waiting for Christmas Party to begin
Why is it so fun to take pictures of people taking pictures? It just is!
The Sister Missionaries brought President Nasova, the man with the dark glasses. He just had cataracts removed. He is a former branch president, released years ago when his wife died. Since then, he had been totally less active. We all visit him often. He is a spiritual giant, but this is the first time we have seen him at any church function.
Brother Baleiwasawas and his wife were a real kick out on the dance floor.  It reminded me of how Grandma Woodward used to kick up her heals and entertain the audience.
Some of our branch young men danced for our entertainment - Oliva, Tubu, Joji, Manasa, Josh 
Other side of room patiently waiting. They said the party would start at 6 PM.
This is now about 7 PM

Everyone won't fit inside. 
These people will watch the program through the open window slats.  
Climbing the basketball standard is great entertainment! 
They climbed down when they saw me coming.
Rex gave our little boy with the cleft palate a balloon
President Nasova always had plenty of people surrounding him and visiting with him.
The outdoor basketball/volleyball court makes a perfect place to sit and eat!
We have such incredible youth here!
Our Kitchen crew. 
The man in the front is homeless. He has a keen nose for food. Anytime there is a function anywhere, he is there waiting for a plate. 
Sister Aumua and Elder Luatua posing with members. 
Notice how Aumua is spelled the same forward or backwards. I like that!

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