Sunday, September 13, 2015

We drove to Savusavu Monday Aug 31. Both Rex and I got our hair cut by Sister Harward, and we received some training. We went to the Captain’s Table overlooking the ocean for lunch with the Harwards and the Roths and then shopping. We bought frozen mince, which is hamburger. I think it tastes much better than the beef they sell in Labasa. At the suggestion of the Harwards, we also had a big fish called Walu from one of their recent converts. He cut it up into slices for us. The meat looks much like Halibut. They say it is very mild. We bought a huge bottle of tartar sauce at the first of our mission. This will give us an excuse to use it. We have never cooked fish here before now.
In the afternoon, we played games –Toss up and the dice game where you try to get ones and fives. We also taught them our new version of Golf with cards and learned “That Stupid Card Game” from them. It was great fun. We got home after dark.

We had just gotten things unloaded when we were called to help a girl move who had an abusive Stepfather.  She had previously packed and moved all her things out to a safe location, and we picked them up from there and helped her move into another flat. She is a member from the other island, and she is planning on coming to church. 

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