Thursday, September 17, 2015

Last night, Sept. 17, 2015, we had six ladies graduate from our first Business Class. It was a joy teaching them over the last 12 weeks. We have a bond. We are proud of all of them for their hard work and sacrifice to attend. 
They wrote the sweetest notes telling what they have learned and how thankful they are for this class. Excerpts from their notes and their picture will be included in an area newsletter that will go out to self reliance leaders all over the Pacific. 
After they gave their final presentation and received their certificates, we had a light luncheon for them and for their families who came to the graduation. It was appreciated and well accepted. 
Bireta Tekoro, Phulmati Kumar, Tebuka Reo, Marica Nawaqavolau,  
 Esther Elice Kumar, Madhu Naidu 
I am including their thank you notes:
Esther Elice Kumar – This class has helped me a lot to help me more on how to run a self-reliant business. It has taught me spiritually and mentally to be focused on the Lord, and he will direct our paths. It has taught me to keep personal and business records separate. The scriptures also have helped me. Discussing with family has also helped and practicing in our daily lives. It has given me more ideas and strength, diligence, dignity, and determination.
Phulmati Kumar – Thank you so much for making this possible for me personally. I would have never made it to this point of life without your help. I know that Heavenly Father loves all his children, and that he provides for all of them. What I have learned is how to do business. I had a bit of a mind about, but it is only through this workshop that I found out that I am capable of doing it. Thank you all once again for helping me find this hidden talent which I thought I never had. Please keep on doing this to help my other brothers and sisters find themselves what they can do. God has given us knowledge. We only have to dig deep and get help from others. I would like to thank the Woodwards for all they have done. I have grown stronger in the Gospel and my trust in the Lord has deepened. Love you all. I can be self-reliant now.
Marica Nawaqarolau – I’m so grateful for this workshop which I have attended. It has helped me a lot to decide and to do so that my business [selling mats and crafts in the market] grows well. This business class has taught me to be able to recognize my customers, also to be honest to each one of them. I have learned to keep my records such as personal and business accounts. Business money has to be separate from personal money. Now I can know how to run my business well and save money. This business has taught me to work hard and have faith in God.
Bireta Tekoro – During the past weeks I’ve really enjoyed coming to the class. It has really helped me in my business. Even though I am an outsider [from Rabi], every time I come, I know that I am fully welcome by the smiles I see on your faces, my teachers Mr. & Mrs. Woodward. Thank you so much!
Madhu Naidu – During the period of training, I have learned a lot of organize a business in a professional way. It also helped me to stand on my own during my trials and challenges. I have learned how to cope with people and to trust them.

Tebuka Reo – I just want to thank the couple missionaries for their love and understanding to us. I learned a lot from the last twelve weeks. It helped me to understand the importance of self reliance. I haven’t started a business yet, but after completing this class it really helps me and gives me strength that one day I will start one.

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