Friday, June 26, 2015

The day after we returned from the Health Fair and the Mercy was our Zone Conference. Even though I had blisters on my feet from all the walking, I didn’t even stress or worry that we were responsible for setting up, serving, and cleaning up after the huge meal for all the missionaries and leaders. These people have been trying to teach me to be a little more calm. Don’t worry. Be happy.  Or maybe it was the priesthood blessing I received before we left for Savusavu.
President and Sister Layton had requested food from the Chinese Restaurant and everything to be as it was last time. I did have to make a double batch of brownies, but I woke up early and got that done. We already had all the ceramic plates, and we had bought real forks to go with them. We had gone shopping before the trip so we had everything ready. We simply loaded the truck with supplies and set them up at the church. Rex made it all go smoothly, and he and Brother Vermeeren went and got the food.
I had observed that Sister Layton loved a fresh garden salad. We had bought the lettuce from a lady who grows it and sells it at her home on the main highway going into town. We made a nice salad with fresh lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, and had plenty of ripe tomatoes Rex had grown in his little garden to top it off.  Sister Layton was so appreciative. She loved it. Everyone loved the Chicken Chop Suey, assorted fresh fruit, rolls, brownies, pop and water. Everything turned out perfectly.
After the training was over, we gave them another special treat that they loved, Brother Chetty’s Ice Boxes. I wanted to show them off, and make Brother Chetty feel good. He farms, milks cows, and makes a special popsicle treat mostly from homegrown ingredients. He sells them to vendors in town. When individuals ask him for the recipe, he says, “I will sell one for 40 cents, but the recipe will cost you $40,000.”  Every time we go with the missionaries to his home, he serves Ice Boxes before a wonderful meal. He showed us his generosity by giving us almost twice as many as we paid for. When we tried to pay for the extras, he just smiled.
We did get to enjoy some of the training during Zone Conference. It was centered on Lehi's Dream and the power of the Book of Mormon. What a gift it is in our lives and a powerful tool to share with others. President and Sister Layton always do a wonderful job!
Thank you for all your prayers in our behalf. We feel them, and we know we are being blessed.
Have fun, everyone!
We Love You!

Our District
Back Row: Elders Nabuti, Nuku, Woodward, d'Aquin, Kumar
Front Row: Sisters Kora, Woodward, Fiu

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