Wednesday, February 10, 2016

     Rex Wrote: Sunday the 7th day of February, 2016, We had the 2nd councilor in the mission presidency and his wife come to our branch to have church with us, and he was there to sign temple recommends for those whose recommends had expired. They need a current recommend to get into the chapel to view the Fiji Temple Rededication.  Sister Harward is very sensitive to the heat. If she gets too hot or stays hot too long, she gets migraine headaches. During Sacrament she had the fans cooling her. Betty had the idea to start the air conditioner in the Family History Center so that when church was out, she could go in there to stay cool and wait for her husband to finish his interviews. She was very appreciative When they were done, we had them come for dinner at our flat. Our air conditioner in the front room is very poor and only cools a little spot right under where it sits. Betty helped me put the table in that spot. We had a good chicken dinner with potatoes, watermelon, salad, Sister Harward’s homemade rolls, and ice cream for dessert. Sister Harward gave us both a haircut. She does a great job. We had an enjoyable visit. They are very good friends.
     We try to go the Old folks home once a week on Tuesdays. At the first of our mission, we only played with Roop, a member. Then we met his sister “The Little One” who is also a member. The game that seems to work the best is Toss Up using “Woodward Rules.” As we have gone through our mission more and more people want to play. We have bought more dice and started taking the young missionaries when we can. On Tuesday the 9th of February 2016 there were about twelve playing with us.  Roop was asleep and one of our other regulars was too sick to play. We are now using 6 sets of dice. (Each a set of 10.)  We had the young elders with us to try to keep everyone happy. We have trained two to play on their own. The Ashram is a place we know where Christ would go if He were here. Most of them do not speak English. Half do not speak at all, but they do enjoy the game and are happy to see us and sad to see us go. The game is not the important thing. The important thing is they know we care about them. It is one of the things we will miss when we leave this beautiful land and these loving people.

On the way to the Ashram we saw another Fiji first.  We saw a red “L” on a tractor.  It stands for student driver or ‘Learner.” I call them “Losers” because they do all kinds of crazy stuff. We have seen them on cars, trucks, and busses; but this is the first we’ve seen on a tractor. Learners always have a teacher riding with them to talk to them and give instructions while they drive. This young boy was on the tractor by himself. I risked life and truck as I got close enough to let Betty get this picture.

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