Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rex wrote: Saturday the 2nd day of April was a day from Heck.  Both Betty and I had Red-Eye. Mine was about two days in, and Betty was just starting. In the USA it is called Pinkeye, but in Fiji it is much worse with straight red eyes, swelling around the eyes and chills and fever. The stores were out of eye drops and the local cure, mothers milk, we were not yet desperate enough to use, even though we had been offered some. We had some people we wanted to visit, but we canceled all plans to leave the flat. We were just plain sick. At about five in the evening Sister Bull called and invited us to a YSA gathering where three were going to open their mission calls. These were the first three of the seven young people we had helped fill out their mission papers. The youth had requested that we be invited. Of course, we had to be there for them! From six to seven we took pictures, predicted where they were going to serve, visited, and waited for all the families to gather. Lorenzo Snow Baliwasawasa conducted the meeting. (Betty fell in love with him as soon as she heard he had the same first name as her father.) They were so excited as they opened their calls. As each read the letter, and announced where they were going, everyone cheered! They each bore their testimonies, Betty and I were asked to share our testimonies, then the parents and siblings got their turn.

It had to be one of the most joyous days of our mission. The next day in church they all got to tell the branch about their calls and bare their testimonies. The air was charged and the spirit strong. What a heaven blessed day it had become! It is good to see some of the fruits of out labors. We love Labasa Branch!
Joana Kauloa,  Josh Bull, Arieta Bulewa get mission calls the same day

Waiting for opening of the mission calls

Our Labasa 7 all applying to serve missions

Sister Bull sets a colorful table

Red Eye put us down

This just hurts!