Thursday, February 12, 2015

   Last week we were messengers unto the Chief. The Chief with the bulls whose field we cleared is also the father of a missionary who is soon coming home. When we asked if he was going to college and if he needed help, they told us to email him. The wife brought out a few letters to find his email address. We could tell by the careful way she handled them that they were her prized possessions. We communicated with him two Mondays. He asked if they were going to church. I replied “No, but we love them anyway.” He asked us to remind them of what he had told them in the Christmas call. He also said he had little correspondence with his family as they are without Internet.
   We visited the Chief and his wife after Church Sunday and delivered his message. They told us it takes three weeks for them to get a letter. We felt inspired to tell them if they would like to write a note, we would type it and send it on email and print out his reply and bring it to them. They wrote a note in Fijian. The penmanship was hard to read, and I have no idea how to read or spell in Fijian. Who knows what I actually wrote! I expressed to the missionary if I made mistakes just try to know what they meant. When we got the reply, he began by saying, “Hahahahaha!”
   He told his parents he is coming home Feb 22 instead of March when they thought. The Chief will be going to Nadi on the main Fiji island to meet him. We asked if he would be flying, and he said, “No, I will be going by boat.” I said, “You’d better get started.” He looked back a little incredulously. I smiled and said, “Just kidding.” I guess I shouldn't have tried to tease a Chief. No one believes my teasing anyway. Then Rex jumped in, “That will be a lot of paddling!” The Chief smiled.  We felt really good that we had done a service to help them prepare for the coming home of their son. They are raising a couple pigs for a big feast they will have when he arrives.
   They have been less active. We invited them to church. He said, “I will come, and I will bring my daughter.” It will be wonderful if they come.
   Love you all!

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